16 Jan 2024
Happy Birthday To Us!
One year ago this week, the five co-founders of Fuse gathered together in London to put pen to paper - yep, we kept it real - and signed the documents bringing Fuse to life.

We sought out and hired incredible new talent and made new friends. We found a place to call home in the heart of Guildford, UK - a location with so many terrific game studios and an incredibly rich history in worldwide gaming.
In 2023 we met amazing people on our journey and with a game concept and a fantastic demo to share, we covered significant ground meeting potential partners to build games together with.
Check out our video up top that covers some of 2023's highlights. We promise we did a ton of work on our game too!
Thanks to everyone who supported us in 2023, it's going to be an exciting 2024 for Fuse and we can't wait to share more of what we're making with you soon!