

Emb**r**ace our

We're building a world-class games studio. A place where a modern, high-performing, values-led team that fuses depth of experience along with diverse, developing talent creates games with fun, love and excitement. Our values embody the core foundations of the studio and we strive to live them every single day in the way we work.​ We’ll lean on them to guide us when we’re unsure of what to do - they guide how we show up.

A love of
game**s** and **a** love
of making game**s**

Bringing focused, energetic, creative collaboration with a sense of urgency to everything that we do.

Rapidly building, sharing, playing, reviewing & changing our work. This is our iterative loop and its core to all we do.

Creating a space for everyone to feel safe and included in order to be responsibly open, generous and their best selves.

Being curious to embrace diverse perspectives, being humble and leading by example.

Based in Guildford, a creative and gaming hub.

Situated just off Guildford’s high street is where you’ll find the Fuse office. A university town, Guildford offers nightlife, restaurants, pubs and bundles of entertainment options. Plus equally quick access to the countryside or direct into London.

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meet the team
meet the team
meet the team
meet the team
meet the team
meet the team
meet the team
meet the team
meet the team
meet the team

Meet the wonderful team who make up Fuse and learn a little about what makes them tick. Games that inspired them, Books that feed their imaginations, what keeps them curious and how they made their way in to the games industry.

ArtAudioDesignEngineeringProductionTechnical Art
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Jonathan Rowe

Studio Art Director

We Create As One

The Art team is committed to inclusivity and cooperation, embracing personal diversity in all its forms. Ensuring that 'no one is left behind' we foster a supportive environment where trust and respect are key. We actively break down silos, encourage collaboration, and build upon each other's ideas. Always ready to help and support one another.

We Seek Excellence

We pursue excellence over perfection, recognising when to stop and when to iterate, believing that nothing is impossible until we have tried. We see tools such as concepting, pre-visualisation and prototyping as necessary and important processes that drive innovation and quality.

We Are Humble & Honest

We foster a culture of humility and responsibility, rejecting inflated egos, diva attitudes and disrespectful behaviour. We openly admit and learn from our mistakes and failures. We welcome feedback with open arms and prioritise the needs of the team and project over our individual wants.

We Are Always Growing

The Art team has a strong appetite for learning. Eager to adopt new tools, technology, and techniques. We encourage a generalist mind and skill set, understanding that we are never truly 'done' learning even if we are experts in our own specific craft. We are committed to sharing the knowledge we gain to support the growth of others.

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We love games, and we love making games. This reflects our passion for the Art and The Craft. How we make something is as important as what we're making.

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We truly understand the value of building teams and we work hard to lead, grow, develop and fuse our people together with a clear vision and aligned constraints that are guided by our shared values.

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Something that holds great importance for me is a sense of autonomy in my role. When I’m trusted to complete the tasks assigned to me, it boosts my confidence in performing my job effectively. Having visibility on the business objectives and goals of other disciplines empowers employees to make informed decisions for the project.

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Loving to work in a small team again, where everyone is passionate and energetic. A second family where we can all create great work in a safe and fun environment.



Creating genre-leading, player-first AAA interactive entertainment that fuses uncompromising attention on game feel with blockbuster spectacle and player centric innovations in social gameplay, self-expression and creativity.​

Leaning on a heritage in delivering hugely successful, high-quality games by building a modern, high-performing, values-led team fusing depth of experience along with diverse, developing talent to create games with fun, love and excitement.

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